Okay, let the debate begin. I know there are many 25-man players out there that will just QQ until the cows come home.
Sure a 25-man raid feels more epic when you have 25 people. But from a balancing perspective, it isn't hard to imagine that raids can be balanced such that the difficulty is about equal. From my experience, the hardest part of a 25-man vs. a 10-man had absolutely nothing to do with the raid content and everything to do with coordinating, shepherding and lots and lots of waiting for 24 other people. It was not about how much better they are, but just how much more patient and how much time they have to play.
From a 10-man's perspective, 25-man guilds had their cake, our cake and all the cake. They got better gear, equal and sometimes less difficult content and they could do 10-mans as well so they could farm both and gear twice as fast. What specifically makes them worthy of that much advantage? Harder content? It isn't that much harder and in some cases is easier. It's only about putting up with more people and more people's problems. Sorry, but that just makes you a masochist not worthy of blessings.
Now, I do ponder if this will hurt 25-man guilds to harshly. That, I can't know. However, it will end the constant flow of 10-man players abandoning their guilds for 25-man loot because they thought of the epic wait and nausea of a 25-man is pretty hard to take.
I love this change. I can't wait to see how it works out for 25-man guilds. Blizzard will have to toss them a bone, but it is my hope they do so only in such a way that 10-man players will say... that's nice, but not nice enough.
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